Flight Training UK Price List for 2023

Flying lesson in PA28 aeroplane

Here at Flight Training UK, we understand that flying is expensive, so we don't try to pretend it is not. We always try to give the best possible value and deliver the best possibe service for the best possible price.

We specialise in Single Engine Piston (SEP) and Touring Motor Glider (TMG) training as well as a whole host of other differences and pilot development training.

Prices per Hour

The 1hrs 'Biennial' flight with an instructor in your aircraft for SEP and or TMG revalidation is £60

SEP hire with an instructor, we charge £250 per hour (eg. in a Piper Cherokee)

TMG hire with an instructor, we charge £160 per hour in our well equiped SF25E - Super Falke

For complex types, price is by application, depending on the training you want to do. but will be between £250 to £400 per hour excluding landing fees.

Ground School is £50 for the 1st 2 hours and then £35 an hour there after for each session.

Package Prices

Variable Pitch Propeller Differences Training - 3hrs flying plus all ground school ~ £675

Retractable Undercarriage Differences Training - 3hrs flying plus all ground school ~ £675

Tailwheel Differences Training - 5hrs flying plus all ground school ~ £POA

Touring Motor Glider (TMG) & Self Launching Motor Glider (SLMG) class rating (based on 5hrs) - £800

Simple Single Engine Aircraft (SSEA) and Single Engine Piston (SEP) class rating (based on 5hrs) - £1,200.

Biennial and "Cross Channel Check Out", based on 2 pilots flying 1x 1hr leg each way ~ £250.

    Flying lesson in a motor gliderHelp perfecting your flying, ready for that skills test.

    Flying lesson in a motor glider Adding a TMG class rating to a LAPL, NPPL, PPL, CPL or a TMG extension to a SPL

Please Note* the above charges exclude non base landings and multiple circuits/touch and goes.

If you'd like to know more, please feel free to contact us and we'd be happy to answer your questions.